Monday, October 28, 2013

Why do I do everything for my family?

You know what? I'm tired. 

Tired of remembering to do everything for my family.  I forgot the kids bags today for school.  UGH.  It's probably the third time this year. 

They are packed and in the washroom.  We have to walk through there to go in the garage and get in the car. They are right there.  Staring at me.  Yet, for some reason I forgot to get them, again.  At least it wasn't "turn in your homework folder day", because that would have just totally screwed up my morning.

I don't pretend to be perfect.  Being a wife is hard enough. Never mind tossing in two kids.  WTF were we thinking?  The icing on the cake is that I still have to report to a job M-F on top of my other two "jobs".

I decided that I'm disgruntled.  I'm grumpy and I'm tired of putting on my fresh face and smiling sweetly.  So I'll take it out here.  Because really, you all know what I'm talking about! 

I had a blog...I'd rather be in the kitchen.  It didn't work out.  I decided I'd rather not just be in the kitchen.  I'd rather hid at my desk away from the chaos that awaits me when I get home.  My husband is a grouch and he would rather not be at his office.  Things are just opposite for us. 

Our laptop died about two months ago.  Neither one of us has done anything about it.  Why?  I don't know but that makes me grouchy! See...more disgruntled by the minute. 

Day in the life of me:
5:30 am - screaming alarm...snooze
Finally up and it's a lightening race to get out the door on time to school.  *and yes, before you ask, I've tried getting up earlier. I hate it even more than the rush to get out the door.  Sue me.

I dress myself as fast as humanly possible then go to the kids room.

Drag my 3 year old out of bed - she's almost 4 and acts like a teenager already.
Ask her a million and one times to start getting dressed (her clothes are already laid out and ready for her) while I get her brother, a very strong 1 year old, out of the crib - he's almost 2 and is as strong as an NFL linebacker! Dressing him, arguing with her.  It's always so much fun!

My husband is usually rolling out of the bed while I do this. helpful.

Kids in the bathroom for teeth and hair.  I'll spare you the details but someone is usually crying about something. 

6:20 am - if all goes, close, to the plan we're in the car and off to school.  Someone is yelling about something.  *my head hurts typing this.

6:31 am - at school (that's what time they open) dropping kids off in class with kisses and hugs.  That's my favorite part.  Not the dropping them off but the sweet, sweet kisses and hugs they give me.  *OK, so there are some perks to being a parent - yes, I wanted my children..still do...but hey, I'm time cramped here!

Carpool to work and hope we get to my husbands office by 7:00 am.  Drive myself to work...

Work all day.  Well, most of the day. 

4:30 pm - leave to go get the husband

drive home.  Sometimes it's nice and sometimes it's not.  Sometimes we probably need to have our own cars so we don't annoy each other so much - Yes, I love my husband and my marriage.  We have our days.  Don't we all? 

5:20ish pm - pick up kids.  They are excited to see us.  Give us lots of hugs and kisses as we do to them.  Then we get to the car and someone is usually crying about something. *glad our car ride is a mear 8 minutes.  Phew.

5:30 pm - we're in the house, shoe's flying...bags dumped on table, I scramble to make a snack and juice so I can start dinner.

It's never easy to cook dinner.  My kids always need me for something.  Or they are fighting about something...or they want to go outside.  On a good day, when it's not 9,000 degrees outside, my husband will take them in the backyard to play...but most days they are running a muck inside. 

6:30 pm - we are eating.  Usually.  Depending on how much the kids "need" me we either have something cooked perfectly or overcooked.  Let's just say that 9 times out of 10 the chicken is dry...Ugh

Bath and son is in bed by 7 and my daughter by 8. 

Then I get to do laundry and clean a kitchen.  Sometimes the husband helps.  Most times I'm making passive aggressive sighs while I - me, myself and I - get everything done.  I know, being PA isn't the way to do it...but I get tired of asking for help, shouldn't people just want to help their spouse?  *Learning through my co-workers that they experience the same level of help from their husbands.  So, hey, at least I'm not alone! 

By the time I sit down I just want to go to bed....and then it starts all over again. 


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